There comes a moment in a man's life when he has to throw
the anchor down, finish the adventure and settle in his own home. Joke aside,
if you do happen to have an old simple boat made out of wood, don't throw it
away! However awkward you think it would look in your house the truth is you
can significantly improve your home design by implementing some kind of
decoration centered around a wooden boat. You could use it together with a
mattress and cushion as a sofa, to get that nautical atmosphere into your
living room. Or keep it outdoor, fill it with sand so the kids will play in it
for hours on end, or with some soil and use it in the garden as a rustic
planter. Either way, you will surely get some creativity points for setting a
fresh, ocean inspiring ambiance. Cut it, flip it, repaint it in any way to make
your piece of boat an outstanding bookshelf or an one-of-a-kind coffee table
(by attaching a glass on top of it). Whatever project you choose for reusing an
old boat in your home, it will refresh your memories of the good old days
playing at the beach or sailing the seas. Check out the pictures for some
inspiration and get you started with your own project.