Exquisite Design For a Spiral Staircase

If you like to collect wine but don't actually have the appropriate room for a deposit unit in your home, you need to consider this high tech system, which will go perfect even if you don't actually have a basement. That’s right! The people from Spiral Cellars have come up with a prefabricated cellar that you literally put into your floor and store your beloved bottles. The water-tight system can hold almost 2000 bottles and there is no need for electric power to keep the temperature at the same level. The exquisite design is inspired from a spiral staircase from 1844. But don’t be fooled, the modern style can be noticed from the first glance: glowing lights and futuristic doors, with a possibility for a motorized version, transport Science Fiction into your real life living room. You can opt for a paneled door that matches the overall design of the room it will make the wine cellar almost disappear into the floor. Now that’s a nice trick! Don’t worry about where and how to store your wine any more. Deposit your collection in this magnificent `secret` spiral underground cellar.